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The Build On Beauty Podcast


Thanks for visiting the Build On Beauty Podcast. I invite you to peruse our episodes and listen in on what we've been doing here. I appreciate you taking the time to visit and listen in on what my guest and I have to say. My team and I are working tirelessly to bring you the very best with every release.  I hope something said will make you smile, laugh, think, and, most of all, change. Change your life, your relationships, your finances, your decisions for the better. Before you leave, be sure to subscribe or download the app for updates and pertinent details on every single episode we release. I promise you won't regret it. I appreciate your support. Happy listening! And until next time, let your soul be made whole. Take care!


Cornell Jermaine 

Dec 13, 2022

Do you want a life of abundance, filled with purpose, prosperity, and endless possibilities? Well, this is an excellent place to start. Welcome to 3 Paths to Abundance - How to Get More! Listen in as your host, Cornell Jermaine shares with you a few principles you must implement to achieve greatness.

Dec 6, 2022

What happens to a dream deferred? Does it stink like rotten meat? American Poet Langston Hughes posed this question many years ago. Some may wonder why he associated the delay of aspiration with having such a terrible stench. But if you've ever had an unrealized ambition. You know how painful and toxic it can be to you,...